Esta new free download also includes several improvements over the game corresponding to the effects of lights, camera and tutorial game between otros.En the coming weeks will launch two new cooperative maps, Nuclear Plant set in Yongbyion, North Korea and UN Headquarters, in New York again. These two new maps will be followed by a new one in late summer versus multiplayer mode, Polar 2006Aunque Base.STALKER for launch initially scheduled for 2004, and then delayed to later this year, the expected title of first-person, "STALKER:
Shadow of Chernobyl", will not be published until 2006. This was confirmed by GSC Game World, the Ukrainian company that is developing the patch for World of título.Nuevo WarcraftBlizzard has published on its website a new patch for its popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft. This patch fixes several bugs and includes new modifications and additions. The latter include the new wow gold buying raid dungeon for high level and Nefarian Dragon House, The Darkmoon Faire or traveling carnival and a new Battlegrounds Battlemasters.El new patch includes a few other developments in character classes, items, weapons and other elementos.Para read RS Gold a full description of the changes included in patch 1.6.0 aquí.Se FlatOut 2 for PCTras confirms the announcement of publication of this title for PS2 definitively confirmed his appearance in the PC and Xbox platforms in 2006.
The game is currently under development by the Finnish studio Bugbear Entertainment, creators of the first part, and although VU Games has not given many details about the sequel, is expected to improve continúey line with FlatOut: destructible environments, impressive collisions and 16 fully customizable cars for demolition derby elegir.El continúa.La Marlon Brando's voice may not be used in the EA PadrinoAunque not yet been confirmed, according to the newspaper New York Times, Marlon Brando's voice may not be used in the video game The Godfather for technical reasons. And the state of health in which he was the actor, was so delicate that I had to help of an oxygen tank to breathe, which affected the sound quality of the recordings of the dialogues . actors like Robert Duvall and James Caan, also held recording sessions themselves will be used in the game. Instead other key pieces of the famous movie trilogy, as Al Pacino and Francis Ford Coppola (who has been quite critical of the game), would decline to collaborate in this proyecto.