
Cuba and videogames rs 3 gold

Cuba's regime is no stranger to the phenomenon of video games, as acknowledged by an official newspaper, warning about its "harmful effects" and believes that "does not always convey a message according to the values ​​of Cuban society" .

The official newspaper Juventud Rebelde 'states that "it is their abuse" making this distraction from "a potential threat to the emotional stability of any young person."

Remember that the presence of video games on the island dates back to the early nineties, through the 'Ataris', and now come from abroad or downloaded from the Internet .

"It is difficult to find today on personal computers cheap rs 3 gold and even those installed in workplaces and other institutions, many video games that please almost every taste," he adds.

Concern 'official'
Stresses that video games today are back in the center of many discussions about possible harmful effects of some of them arm2teeth.com "often promote violence, racism or xenophobia "and" may also haunt the players to death provoked themselves . "

Also notes that "the most worrying is that in recent times, and with the extension of the Internet in many countries, have become fashionable 'role play' as World of Warcraft, which exploit fantasy become hero of an imaginary world to the player or give it a second life. "

Something positive
Recognizes that on the one hand, the game " promotes learning and growth of the child or adolescent to force him to surpass himself, seeking new knowledge and gain concentration, "but also believes that" alienates the real world, away from the necessary sociability of age and disrupts their individuality. "

He criticizes parents increasingly more frequently use the computer as if it were a 'virtual nana' encouraging the habit in their children "without stopping to think through what they play or calculate the health risks" arising from the continued use of that team.

